Parents are required to provide financial support for children. Nearly every U.S. state requires the non-custodial parent to pay child support. However, the guidelines for payment amounts vary by state. If you’re an Alaska resident, here are some of the things you should know about child support.
Calculating child support in Alaska
There are regulations that apply to paying child support in Alaska, but the calculations are primarily determined by Civil Rule 90.3. The amount of child support that a parent must pay is based on the parenting plan. The plan can include how decisions are made about the child’s education, health and social activities as well as the parenting schedule.
There are four types of custody in Alaska that warrant child support: primary, shared, divided and hybrid. Primary custody is when the child lives with one parent more than 70% in one calendar year. Shared custody is when the child lives with each parent for at least 30% of the year. Divided custody is when one parent has primary custody of one or more children from the relationship, and the other parent has primary custody of one or more children, but the parents don’t share physical custody. In a hybrid custody situation, parents have primary custody of some of the children and shared custody of other children.
Determining the child support formula
The court uses the above categories to determine the appropriate child support formula for a particular case. Alaska family law states that when one parent has primary custody, child support is determined based on the income of the non-custodial parent. The income of both parents is considered to determine child support for divided, shared or hybrid custody situations.
State laws make it clear that parents are legally obligated to care for their children. These laws help ensure that children have the financial support they need for their upbringing.