Are non-custodial parents required to provide child support?

On Behalf of | Dec 5, 2024 | Child Support |

In some cases, non-custodial parents may try to avoid paying child support. However, in cases where parents are separated or divorced, the non-custodial parent is typically obligated to contribute financially to the upbringing of their children. 

The purpose of child support is to ensure that both parents share the financial responsibility of supporting the well-being of their children, regardless of whether they live with the child full-time or not. This is no less the case in the state of Alaska.

How Is child support determined?

In Alaska, child support amounts are typically determined using a state-mandated formula, which considers the number of children, both parents’ income and the amount of time each parent spends with the child. The Alaska Child Support Guidelines, which are used in these calculations, help ensure that child support obligations are fair and consistent across cases.

Factors such as medical insurance costs, daycare expenses and special needs of the child can also impact the final support amount. The court may consider these additional expenses when determining the amount of child support the non-custodial parent must pay. If the non-custodial parent has a significant change in circumstances, such as a change in income or a job loss, they can request a modification of their support order.

Enforcement of child support

Failure to pay court-ordered child support can lead to serious legal consequences in Alaska. Enforcement measures include wage garnishment, withholding tax refunds and even suspension of driver’s licenses. In cases of extreme non-compliance, the court may impose further penalties, such as jail time.

Non-custodial parents in Alaska are required by the state to pay child support to help meet their children’s needs. Seeking legal guidance may help parents navigating child support issues better understand their rights and obligations under Alaska law.

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The Law Offices of Herbert M. Pearce

The Law Offices of Herbert M. Pearce
731 I Street Suite 203
Anchorage, AK 99501

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Toll-Free: 800-579-4214
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