Tips for telling your children about your divorce

On Behalf of | Jan 31, 2025 | Divorce |

Parents often make the decision to divorce in private. Once they make this decision, they have to let the children know what’s going on. This can be a very challenging undertaking because even if the children know things aren’t great between their parents, they likely don’t think that their parents will split up. 

There are two primary things that you can do that may help to make hearing this news a bit easier for the children. One of the most important things to remember is that you should choose a time that’s private and unrushed. 

Tell the children together

Ideally, you and your ex will tell the children together. This lets them know that both of you will work as a parenting team to continue to ensure they have what they need. This can also help them to feel a bit of stability while they’re dealing with such a major life change. 

Stick to the facts

While you’re telling your children about the divorce, stick to the facts. Don’t make any promises that you aren’t sure you can keep. Be honest if there are things that you aren’t sure about yet so they don’t have unrealistic expectations of what’s going to happen.

A lot of decisions have to be made when you decide to end a relationship, especially when there are children involved. Taking the time to work out the terms of the parenting plan is critical so that everyone can adjust to the new way of life. Getting these terms set can sometimes be challenging, so it may be best to work with someone who can assist you with learning your options and determining how to ensure the children’s best interests remain at the center of the discussions.


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