Helping kids through divorce or separation

On Behalf of | Mar 21, 2023 | Divorce |

If you are going through a divorce or separation, you may eventually want or need to sell your Alaska home. It’s also possible that your child will be forced to split time between the family home and your new house or apartment. There are several steps that you may be able to take in an effort to help your children through a challenging time in their lives.

Manage your own emotions

Your children are going to look to you for guidance through the course of a separation or divorce. If you are calm, it will be easier for them to be calm as well. If you are acting out, they will be more likely to act out. In addition, they may be less likely to come to you when they need to talk out of fear that doing so will only stress you out more.

Create a sense of home wherever your children stay

If your child has a favorite book at the current family home, try to get another copy that can be kept at your house or apartment. It may also be worthwhile to get a second stuffed animal, toy or other object your child has an attachment to. You may also want to consider allowing your child to bring a beloved pet to your place provided that it’s safe for the animal. Providing a dedicated living space within your home or apartment can also make a new environment feel more inviting.

Your child’s needs should be a top priority as you end a relationship with your spouse or partner. Failing to keep a minor’s needs in mind may make it harder to retain custody of your child or result in behavioral or other challenges that might otherwise have been avoided.

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The Law Offices of Herbert M. Pearce

The Law Offices of Herbert M. Pearce
731 I Street Suite 203
Anchorage, AK 99501

Local: 907-276-0113
Toll-Free: 800-579-4214
Fax: 907-258-1232
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