Parents who aren’t in a romantic relationship have to determine what type of parenting style they should use. There are a few different options, one of which is parallel parenting.
Parallel parenting allows the children to have a meaningful relationship with both parents while minimizing the contact parents have with each other. This can provide stability for the children and provide them with what they need to thrive.
Structured communication
Communication between parents is minimal and always focused on the children. It’s highly structured and often uses written communication. This may be done through emails, texts or a parenting app.
Parents will exchange information about the children’s schedule, health and education. Because these interactions are documented, there’s a reduced chance of conflict.
Clear boundaries and responsibilities
Parallel parenting requires clear boundaries and well-defined responsibilities. Each parent has specific times and areas of responsibility for the children, which reduces the need for direct coordination.
For example, one parent might be responsible for school-related matters while the other handles extracurricular activities. This division enables each parent to manage their time with their children independently.
Flexibility and adaptability
While parallel parenting starts with minimal interaction, it can evolve over time. As parents develop better communication skills and reduce conflict, they might transition to a more cooperative co-parenting style.
Detailed parenting plan
A detailed parenting plan is crucial for parallel parenting to work effectively. This plan outlines the schedule, decision-making processes and methods of communication. It includes specifics about pick-up and drop-off times, holiday arrangements and guidelines for handling emergencies. Working with someone familiar with this parenting style can help to ensure everything is set appropriately.