Divorce is never easy, but it’s the hardest of all on the innocent children who bear witness to their parents’ strife and bitterness. No parent wants to cause their kids harm, but many don’t realize how devastating divorce can be to children of all ages. If you are...
When parents get divorced and have to split up parenting time or physical custody of their children, there are many different factors that the court will use. If parents cannot come to an agreement on their own, the court can make a ruling. Some of the factors they...
The holiday season is often described as the most wonderful time of the year, but this time can present unique challenges for co-parents. Navigating the holidays post-divorce or separation doesn't have to be a minefield of stress and conflict. With careful planning...
Divorce is a very personal experience, but it’s inevitable that people will find out about it. This isn’t always something you can control. However, you can control how people find out about it -- particularly your parents. Your parents may be confused, upset or even...
It’s easy to consider being married and owning a business in Alaska as an ideal life. Unfortunately, nothing is perfect; you might find yourself in the middle of a divorce and worry about what could happen to your company. These are tips on divorce-proofing your...
Dividing property is a common source of discord in an Alaska divorce. In some cases, people might even suspect that their spouse has taken various steps to hide assets. When this is the case, people need to understand how to find them. Where to look for potentially...
Filing for divorce in Alaska can be stressful for those who did not expect their marriage to fall apart. However, problems in a relationship could lead to the marriage becoming a troubled union. Divorce can lead to a new life, but the path may be difficult. Taking...
During marriage, couples often make major purchases together. If you and your former spouse purchased a home, divorcing can make both parties wonder what to do next. Fortunately, there are a few ways for divorcing couples in Alaska to handle this potentially stressful...
Many wealthy individuals in Arkansas are receiving executive compensation. This means that their total income from their high-paying job isn’t reflected in their bank account. They receive benefits, like club memberships, short and long-term incentives, and...
If you've gotten divorced in Alaska and have children, you may eventually start a relationship with another partner with kids. Blending your new family requires a plan to ensure you all get along. Communicating, staying flexible and working as a team can help you...